One of the most frequent problems people have with their oral health is the necessity for fillings. Those who specialize in dental implants in Caldwell, ID, say that aside from imbeds, selecting the best kind of dental filling requires more thought than a one-size-fits-all strategy.

They are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of our teeth, regardless of the problem—cavities, decay, or damage. Let’s discuss the basic kinds of tooth fillings available, their benefits and drawbacks, and things to think about when making a crucial choice for your oral health.

1. Amalgam Fillings

For more than a century, amalgam fillings have been of common use in dentistry. Renowned for their strength and longevity, they’re made from a combination of metals such as copper, tin, silver, and mercury. Amalgam fillings are frequently the preferred choice for rear teeth. Some patients express concerns about its mercury content. The American Dental Association, however, guarantees that amalgam fillings are safe.

The advantages are that it’s long-lasting and cost-effective. On the other side of the coin, there’s the possibility of expansion and contraction that could break the teeth, and the silvery color that can make it look unappealing.

2. Composite Fillings

For a more aesthetically pleasing look, composite fillings are a popular choice. This type of solution for cavities is composed of a blend of plastic and tiny glass particles. It could be made to match the color of your natural teeth and make it nearly unnoticeable. Those who make veneers in Caldwell, ID, say that composite fillings will eventually become even more durable over time.

Looking at its pros and cons, this type of padding bonds better with the tooth, creating a healthier dental structure. If we look at the negative side, it may develop a yellowish hue after a while.

3. Ceramic Fillings

Porcelain or ceramic fillings are a strong and aesthetically pleasing metal-free substitute. Due to their great biocompatibility and stain resistance, these fillings are a preferred option for people who want a more natural appearance; however, their appeal extends beyond the way they look. In the field of dentistry, ceramic fillings are considered cutting edge because of the “directed shrinkage” that is applied by the dentist for better protection.

The benefits of ceramic fillings are that they can take on the color of natural teeth, are long-lasting, and don’t stain easily. The shortcomings are that it’s costly and can chip under too much strain.

4. Glass Ionomer Fillings

Glass ionomer fillings are a special kind of treatment that gradually releases fluoride to help stop additional deterioration. Because of their ability to release fluoride, they are frequently utilized in pediatric dentistry and for tiny restorations. Because they will eventually wear out or shatter, they only last a few years. Ordinary glass ionomer lacks the natural appearance of the other resins just mentioned.

This is a good choice for baby teeth, and it releases fluoride, which prevents decay. On the other hand, it’s not as durable as the other fillings and is prone to cracking.

Take Pride in Your Smile. Don’t Hold Back That Laugh.

The specialists in dental implants in Caldwell, ID, will surely advise you to sit down with your dentist and consider several criteria: the cavity’s size and location, your budget, and your aesthetic preferences. Although amalgam fillings are still a dependable and affordable option, patients now have other options.

Consult with Caldwell Dentistry Co. Call us at 208-454-9217 or email us at